Ten Qualities of the Best Roofing Companies

Your home is your sanctuary, so when you hire roofers, you want the best your money can buy. But how do you determine who’s the best? To start, always do your research, shop comparatively, and ask if they perform free assessments. Then, look for the following ten qualities:

  1. Professional. Confirm that they have the appropriate licensing, certifications, and insurance. Verify that they will obtain all necessary permits for any structural work.
  2. Reputable. What have previous clients said about them? You’ll want to check their Google reviews as well as Yelp.
  3. Evidenced. Roofers who consistently do quality work will have the photographic documentation to prove it. Ask to see examples of their past work. The good ones will be more than happy to show it to you!
  4. Respectful. They treat your home like the sanctuary it is.When they perform their free assessment, notice how they treat your home. Also, ask or inspect if the contract/paperwork covers their clean-up process. You want to confirm that they treat their job sites with care and clean up their mess when all is done.
  5. Expert. Listen for indicators of expertise, or lack thereof, during your consultations and assessment. A quality roofer should be able to offer insights and recommendations, drawing on a depth of knowledge.
  6. Attentive. Note how they respond while you tell them about your needs. Look for someone who listens, engages, and takes notes. They should inquire about your desired budget and timeline. Confirm they will provide regular updates and make themselves available to address your questions and concerns.
  7. Transparent. A roofer should never expect your trust without earning it. When they provide their assessment, be sure they are willing to show you evidence to support any claimed observations regarding your roof, even if in the form of photos. A qualify roofer earns your trust through transparency.
  8. Local. Always use a local roofer so that you can follow up if needed and hold them accountable. Be wary of any non-local roofers who approach you, as these may be “storm chasers” who infamously scam homeowners.
  9. Enduring. Not only does longevity indicate more experience and expertise, but it is a signal of stability, as well.
  10. Stable. Some businesses themselves endure while the employees enter and leave through a revolving door. Look for a roofer with a stable team, which not only indicates a stable company, but the workers have likely had more training, which makes mistakes and accidents less likely for you.

(Article adapted from https://www.findlayroofing.com/news/top-5-questions-to-ask-your-roofing and https://www.pickardroofing.com/blog/qualities-of-best-roofing-contractors.)

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